Scene Study Class
Scene Study classes will be held on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday nights from 7-11pm and Saturday from 9:30am-1:30pm at The BHPSF Theater, 414 Mason Street Suite 502, San Francisco, CA.
Classes are mainly scene study classes, with occasional monologues, cold readings, and other exercises interspersed. Classes are geared to professional actors and directors and those that wish to train as professional actors or directors. The key word is “professional” - this can consist of a resume or an attitude toward achieving a resume. Admission to the classes is by interview only, no audition required.
The structure of the BHP/SF class will mirror the Los Angeles and New York classes in both the operation and the method of teaching, so that students studying at the BHP in San Francisco or Los Angeles who gets a job in New York, would be able to sign up for the New York class and his/her training and school environment will be consistent. The same will be true for students studying in New York traveling to Los Angeles or San Francisco.
If you are interested in auditing a free class, please call us at 415-449-1919.